Universal Design

Our ser­vices in “Uni­ver­sal Design for Every Stage in Life” focus on mak­ing it easy for peo­ple to con­tinue to live inde­pen­dently and age in their homes  longer, or for­ever if that is what they choose. These ser­vices are designed to help peo­ple adapt their homes as they move through the stages of life

Apply­ing Uni­ver­sal Design — or what we like to call “design for every­one” — prac­tices, our com­pany focus­es on prac­ti­cal and ele­gant solu­tions as well as state of the art prod­ucts for peo­ple aging at home or liv­ing with disabilities.

Our pas­sion is to bring all the ele­ments of great liv­ing — beau­ty, style, sus­tain­able green prac­tices, health, func­tion­al­ity, safe­ty, com­fort, prac­ti­cal­ity, and val­ue to every project.